SignControlTrouble Shooting
Ultimate Edition


Copyright 2012 - Vodality, LLC.

Instructions on how to Fix Device with Crashing Presentation

Only use Jpeg files with RGB format. If you use JPEG files with CMYK mode it will cause the devices to fail. The solution is to put new content on the internal SD Card to replace previous content. This can be done by using a USB stick with FAT32 file format. Place some JPEGs with correct RGB format on stick along with a text file called: command.txt with a single line of text: "updateall" without the quotes. Turn off device, insert USB, and turn it back on. Wait for the Loading screen to go on and then disappear. Wait a short while and you should see a message box saying it is copying from USB to SD. Do not remove the USB stick while it is doing this. Wait until the message box changes to say remove USB, and then remove the USB stick. Then, the presentation should start and a menu system should pop up allowing you to access the menu system.

Sometimes the Device has problems mounting the SD Card. Turning off device and removing the SD Card and Reinserting it can help. If the SD Card is glued into the device, it is still possible, with the device unplugged, to push in and out the SD Card a few times and this can sometimes fix the SD Card mounting problems. Also, make sure you have the latest firmware for the device.